Monday, March 8, 2010


The rest of the week without Mark went well. I had some of the girls from work and their babies over on Wednesday afternoon. We had a great time catching up and the babies got a chance to play together. It's been wonderful to be off this year with such a great group of friends from work. Danita was here with her 1 week old baby, Liam and he is too sweet. I can't believe how tiny he is. I can't believe that was Jack just 1 year ago. Time goes by too quickly and before you know it, they're not babies anymore.

Mark arrived home on Thursday evening and it was wonderful to have him home. Jack was very happy to see his Daddy. We had a very quiet weekend. I was supposed to have a girls night on Saturday but it has been postponed due to weather (the hot tub would be no good in the pouring rain). Instead Mark and I just spent the weekend together and with Jack. I don't mind those kinds of weekends at all. I imagine, I will cherish them when I go back to work next month.

Jack had a few firsts this weekend. He finally started clapping his hands. It was starting to worry me a little. He seems impressed with his new skill. He also started patting his belly when we ask him where his belly is. Last night when I was giving Jack his supper, I said it was hot and started blowing on it. He then said hot back to me. Mark and I just looked at each other as if to say "did he just say that". They say a baby's first year is one that they grow and change the most and I have to agree. Just seeing baby Liam was a true testament of that. I am looking forward to Jack's first birthday and the many more milestones that are to come. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Single Mother

Mark is out of town this week for work and it makes me truly appreciate all he does and how well we work together. He only left yesterday morning so that left me alone at supper and bedtime last night. Most evenings when Mark gets home from work, he takes over looking after Jack and then I usually prepare supper. Once we have supper and clear away, we both get Jack ready for bed. We have a well oiled routine now with both of us doing our respective roles. Last night took a little more preparation on my part but Jack and I got through the routine relatively unscathed. We even had a few laughs. Jack went down fairly quickly and slept all night (thankfully).

Mark and I bought a playpen last week for Jack and set it up over the weekend. I was very thankful for that yesterday when I was trying to make supper. It kept Jack contained and I didn't have to be constantly watching him to make sure he wasn't getting into anything he shouldn't. He played and played while I cooked supper. I think he enjoyed himself.

So far we're managing with Mark gone. He will hopefully be back on Thursday. Luckily I have two great in-laws who only live a few minutes away so if the need arises they are right there.

Now to do a 180. I was washing Jack's diapers yesterday and thought about how nice it will be for summer to come so I can hang Jack's diapers on the line again. I love our clothesline and love to hang clothes out. There's something therapeutic about being outside and hanging out the clothes. It will be different this summer since I will be back to work. It will take a little more planning on my part but something I don't plan to give up. I posted this pic on my profile on facebook yesterday. I can't wait for green grass and sunny days even if I am working.

Monday, March 1, 2010


So the past couple of weeks have been busy. Jack has been getting over a recent cold. He had an ear infection and was on antibiotics for 10 days. He still has a bit of a cough and runny nose but seems to be much better. Back to his normal goofy self. Playing and sleeping well.

We've thoroughly enjoyed watching the Olympics for the past couple of weeks. Sports that I never really took interest in before captured my attention. It was great to watch our country's atheletes compete and come out on top for most gold medals ever won. This was history in the making and something I won't soon forget. It feels really good to be Canadian and I am more proud than ever to live in this wonderful, beauitful country.

Jack is 11 months old (somewhere in the next couple of days since Feb does not have 31 days). I can't believe how fast my baby is growing. He is cruising around furniture all the time now and has started to climb the stairs (uh-oh for us). He seems to be getting more vocal and we think he is saying dog and what's that. It hasn't been consistent yet though. It's so wonderful to see him learning new things each and every day. I go back to work in 5 weeks. I can't believe my year is almost over. I will be very sad to leave him. We've had such a great year together.

Here is a picture of my sweet boy taken last week.

No other news to report. Stay tuned for more updates and pictures :)